Research in the Karunananda Lab strategically leverages a combination of synthetic inorganic, organometallic, and computational chemistry techniques to solve pressing challenges in catalysis. The overall research theme is built on employing multiple metals and/or multiple ligands to synergistically bring about novel reactivity and selectivity. A special focus is placed on interrogating reaction mechanisms through experimental and computational techniques to predict and design novel catalysts.
Current projects in the lab include photosensitizer development using earth-abundant metals with target applications in organic synthesis & photodynamic therapies, and organometallic catalyst development for polymer upcycling. The experimental work in the lab focuses on organometallic complex synthesis, characterization and catalytic reaction development. Computational work in the lab focuses on photoreactivity and catalyst optimization with DFT calculations, statistical analysis, and machine learning approaches.
Current projects in the lab include photosensitizer development using earth-abundant metals with target applications in organic synthesis & photodynamic therapies, and organometallic catalyst development for polymer upcycling. The experimental work in the lab focuses on organometallic complex synthesis, characterization and catalytic reaction development. Computational work in the lab focuses on photoreactivity and catalyst optimization with DFT calculations, statistical analysis, and machine learning approaches.